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Monday 2 September 2019

Concept of health : HDI

Remember it as the Development of Human is due to knowledge and Money.
Top HDI ranking countries: Norway, Australia and Switzerland
Bottom HDI Ranking: Niger and Central African Republic

Concept of Health- PQLI

Concept of health - Dimensions of health

Dimensions of Health

P- Physical
S- Social
M- Mental

S- Spiritual
E- Emotions
V- Vocational

How to Prepare for Community Medicine (PSM)

1.When you start to study psm always make a strategy to study bigger topics first latter the smaller ones.
2. Have the past 10-12 yrs question paper of your university ready mostly the question are repeatedly asked.
3. Start with the long questions first because most of the SAQ are covered in LAQs ,this will rather save your time.
4.PSM requires regular study so start from beginning only.
5.You must always remember for preparing 3rd prof exam that you just have to write mostly the definitions, headings, subheadings, keywords,etc.Rest of the content you can write on your own.
6. So always make the notes of the headings and subheadings, so that you can easily revise them before exam.
Always use different highlighter for headings , definitions, will give you the definite visual memory.
7.Lastly this blog will definitely give you the Mnemonics that will help you to remember the headings and subheadings

Welcome to PSM Mnemonics

This blog is for those people who find the community Medicine as difficult and boring subject.This blog will include all the topic wise Mnemonics which will be based on Park's latest edition.The Mnemonics are taken from some books and some of them are wholesome made by the blogger himself.